Opportunity Youth Research Project

The purpose of the Opportunity Youth Research Project was to collect data to better understand where Opportunity Youth (OY) are located. OY are typically defined as young adults 16-24 years old who are neither working nor enrolled in school or a vocational training program. Using traditional data sources to understand OY is difficult because they are inherently disconnected from systems that collect this data, such as schools. 

The project goals were:

  1. Improve the collective knowledge base of opportunity youth in Detroit to better inform planning and programmatic decision making.
  2. Test a data collaborative structure using data from local organizations to find out if it is possible to use it on a larger scale and identify potential challenges to using it.

Throughout the project, we created a number of resources for organizations to use immediately in their work:

  • This resource map can be used to understand who is providing services to OY and what services are being provided. 
  • To learn more about the process we used to make the resource map, check out this blog post.
  • The D3Anonymizer helps organizations anonymize the data while maintaining a unique ID for each individual.  
  • This final report details the methodology and findings from our analysis.
  • This blog post summarizes the lessons learned from the research process.

Data Driven Detroit would like to extend our gratitude to Microsoft, who provided funding to support this research.