by Sean Coté | Oct 19, 2023 | About D3, D-ACIS Update, D3 Staff, Erica Raleigh, Kurt Metzger
Our biggest anniversary yet! While we’re focused on the data work necessary to be the community data hub for Metro-Detroit, we thought we’d take a moment to reflect on the last 15 years of our organization, and how we’ve become we are today. Look...
by d3wpadmin | Mar 14, 2013 | Census, Kurt Metzger, MIchigan, Population Density, U.S. Census Bureau
The Census Bureau has released its latest population estimates for 2012 today. The estimates cover metropolitan statistical areas, micropolitan statistical areas and counties. The numbers show that the Great Plains and West Texas contained many of the...
by d3wpadmin | Jan 3, 2013 | Demographics, Kurt Metzger
New population projections from the Census Bureau make it quite clear that the U.S. population will be considerably older and more racially and ethnically diverse by 2060. These projections of the nation’s population by age, sex, race and Hispanic origin, which cover...
by d3wpadmin | Jan 3, 2013 | Kurt Metzger, Uncategorized
As we enter into 2013, Data Driven Detroit’s new affiliation with the Michigan Nonprofit Association has inspired me to take a step back and reflect on my history and how Data Driven Detroit was born. The history of the organization and my own are inexorably...
by d3wpadmin | Dec 20, 2012 | Kurt Metzger, MIchigan
The Census Bureau released State population estimates for 2012 (July 1, 2012) and Michigan is shown as gaining population between 2011 and 2012 – up 6,559 persons or 0.1 percent. While this pales when compared to Texas’s gain of 427,400 residents (#1 in number gained)...
by d3wpadmin | Dec 11, 2012 | Birthrate, Kurt Metzger
by Kurt Metzger, Director According to new preliminary numbers from the National Center for Health Statistics, the U.S. birth rate dipped in 2011 to the lowest ever recorded, led by a plunge in births to immigrant women since the onset of the Great Recession. The...