The Molecule Behind the Crime

The Molecule Behind the Crime

A recent article in Mother Jones, “America’s Real Criminal Element: Lead,” by Kevin Drum explores the statistical link between childhood lead exposure and criminal behavior later in life. In major cities across the board, Drum associates a dramatic upward shift in...
Don’t Hate the Cities, Hate the Rankings

Don’t Hate the Cities, Hate the Rankings

In October, D3 responded to Forbes’ annual rankings of “America’s Most Dangerous Cities,” criticizing their methodology and reporting. Last week, The Atlantic Cities published its own response to city crime rankings. Theirs dealt not with Forbes, but with the annual...

Detroit ranks 17th, Not First, in Crime

OR Ten Reasons Not to Trust Top Ten Lists Data Driven Detroit’s mission is to provide up-to-date, objective information to inform better decisions.  Often that information is negative and our first inclination is to run away from it.  Accurate information is...