by Sean Coté | Oct 26, 2022 | About D3, Boitshoko Molefhi, D3 Staff, Daniel Newton, Zach Brown
This month D3 is celebrating our 14th anniversary, and though we haven’t had any interns since the early days of the pandemic, many people have done internships at D3 over the years and have made important contributions to help D3 become the community data hub that it...
by d3wpadmin | Jul 26, 2016 | Boitshoko Molefhi, Ivoire Morrell
Hey Detroit! This is Ivoire Morrell, and I would like to invite you all on an amazing journey. We will be spreading the word about the city of Detroit’s first Civic User Testing group. Over the next month, myself and Boitshoko Molefhi will be spearheading recruitment...